About Us
For Parents & Students
Athletic Schedules
Team Store: Here is a link to the team store.
NFHS Network
Watch Indoor Sports Contests held in the Nixyaawii Gym at nfhsnetwork.com Away games will also be broadcast if the host school participates in NFHS broadcasts.
Sports offered at Nixyaawii
Cross Country
Football coop with Pendleton High School
Softball coop with Pilot Rock High School
Baseball coop with Pendleton High School
All athletes must have a current physical prior to participating. The form above is to be taken to your medical provider to be completed at the time of the physical. Return the completed form to the school office. Physicals are good for two years.
Coaching Staff
Athletic Director - Aaron Noisey anoisey@pendletonsd.org 541-429-7904
Cross Country Coach - Weyekin Wildbill - wwildbill@pendletonsd.org 541-429-7908
Assistant Cross Country Coach - Sammantha McCloud
Volleyball Coach - Rayne Spencer
Assistant Volleyball Coach - Aaron Noisey
Girls Basketball Coach - TBD
Assistant Girls Basketball Coach - TBD
Boys Basketball Coach - Aaron Noisey
Assistant Boys Basketball Coach - JJ Bell
Track Coach - Weyekin Wildbill